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Open International Leadership Development Program
Blended Learning Leadership Program
Program Structure, Content, and Agenda
Your Instructor and Coach (2:03)
Freebie: Book 'International Change Management'
Kick off workshop
1 - preparation for the program kickoff
2. Agenda ILDP kickoff
2a. ILDP in Microsoft Teams
3. Assignment - peer interview - professional orientation
4. Job Orientations - Questionnaire
5. Job Orientations
6. My Job Orientation
7. ILDP kickoff all slides
Module 1 - The Leader's Personality
1. Content & Agenda
2. Preparation of Workshop
3. self assessment XLS - My Behavioral Traits
4. Input - Behavioral Archetypes overview
5. Self reflection -My Archetype - hints for learning
6. practice project - Archetype User Instructions
1-1 coaching option with the instructor
Module 2 - Coaching Skills
1. Coaching - Agenda & Content
2. Workshop preparation
3. Input - Earning the right to coach (1:20)
4. Self reflection - Coaching mindset
5. Input - Case Study - Buidling a coaching relationship (6:37)
6. peer feedback -Coaching mindset check
7. Input - Summary Building a Coaching Relationship (2:58)
8. The 4 Phases Of Coaching - Check List
9. Practice tool - What To Ask Starter Kit
10. Input - Effective Coaching Process Models (2:36)
11. The 7 Step Coaching Process
12. The 4 Step Coaching Model
13. Input - Getting Ready For Practice (2:25)
14. Peer Group Formation
15. Peer Coaching - Framework, Roles, Process Steps
16. all slides - Coaching
Module 3 - Visioning
1. Visioning - Agenda and Content
2. Input - What is a vision- (1:55)
3. Self Reflection & feedback - How I have ideas
4. Input - leaders' vision power (3:57)
5. Self Reflection & feedback - How I share my ideas
6. Input - 3 step visioning examples (9:08)
7. Step 1a - Guided self reflection (3:30)
8. Step 1a - Self reflections and notes
9. Step 1b - Guided self reflection (4:41)
10. Step 1b - Self reflections and notes
11. Steps 2 & 3 - instructions (1:59)
12. Steps 2 & 3 - instructions
13. My practice project - visioning
14. Visioning - all slides
15. Visioning 3 Steps all Slides
Module 4 - Leadership Styles
1. Workshop preparation
2. - Content & Agenda Module 4
3. Introduction - Communication Model (3:18)
4. The 5 questions - movie reflection with peers
5. Case Study - Successful Communication (6:07)
6. The Structure of Communication - Model in detail (4:52)
7. Use the Communication Model for Leadership Effectiveness (5:06)
8. Define and Develop Your Leadership Style my natural style my future style (7:41)
9. Leadership Styles - Self Assessment
10. All Slides - LS Styles - Communication Styles
11. Reader - Leadership styles
Module 5 - Health - Balance - Resilience
1. Content and Agenda Module 5
2. Workshop preparation
3. Intro Health and Resilience (6:34)
4. personal well being check (3:42)
5. Personal Well - Being Self Check
6. Personal Well - Being Check - Peer Discussion
7. How do we develop psychological drivers (1:57)
8. How to analyze my psychological drivers (1:32)
9. Questionnaire and Evaluation of my drivers
10. Psychological drivers explained (5:15)
11. Learning to manage my psychological drivers (6:14)
12. Psychological Drivers - Peer Discussion
13. Kantor Heroic Modes - awareness and self leadership (6:44)
14. ILDP Module 5 - All slides
Teach online with
5. Self reflection -My Archetype - hints for learning
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