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VISIONING ⏱2ʰ | 👥+3ʰ
Visioning - A Three Step Process for Leaders & Their Teams
1. Visioning - Agenda and Content
2. Input - What is a vision- (1:55)
3. Self Reflection & feedback - How I have ideas
4. Input - leaders vision power (3:57)
5. Self Reflection & feedback - How I share my ideas
6. Input - 3 step visioning examples (9:08)
7. Step 1a - Guided self reflection (3:30)
8. Step 1a - Self reflections and notes
9. Step 1b - Guided self reflection (4:41)
10. Step 1b - Self reflections and notes
11. Steps 2 & 3 - instructions (1:59)
12. Steps 2 and 3 - instructions
13. My practice project - visioning
Visioning - all slides
Visioning 3 Steps all Slides
Freebe - International Change Management excerpt - Ahead of Change
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3. Self Reflection & feedback - How I have ideas
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